Strategic Alignment

Strategic Alignment

Facilitating company-wide buy-in across the board.

There are few things more powerful than collective purpose and direction. What would it mean for the performance of your organization if you had universal buy-in on your vision and purpose and your plans for growth, from everyone at every level?


KYT’s Strategic Alignment process ensures your entire organization is “rowing in the same direction” and driving results. This means an agreed-upon plan that inspires purposeful passion in every employee. Everyone in your organization will be able to answer the questions: “Where are we going? And how do we get there?”


One-Page Strategic Plan: A Roadmap Worth Following

Why one page? Because, too often, roadmaps like this get bogged down in mixed messages, confusing goals, and unclear direction. Plus, there’s value in a simple, straightforward plan that everyone in your organization can point to. By the end of your planning sessions, your One-Page Strategic Plan will also include your Vision Summary, an important tool for communicating the foundation of your company. This comprehensive roadmap sets the stage for moving forward with clear communication, alignment, and focus!

Benefits include:

Simple, focused, strategic foundation followed by all (FBA)

Quarterly reviews allow for flexibility and accountability to results

Clearly established communication plan

Built-in annual reviews

Competitive differentiator identification

Accountability check-ins

Manageable implementation milestones


Part of the EDS Ecosystem

Our Strategic Alignment services are incredibly valuable as a standalone offering, while also fitting seamlessly into our meaningful, four-pillar Enterprise Development Solution approach.


Behavioral Foundation


Culture of Learning


Voice of the Employee


Want to know more about our Strategic Alignment services?

Contact us today.

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