voice of employee

Voice of the Employee

Assessing the health of your organization at every level.

Where is your company at risk? What are your employees trying to tell you? Where should you focus your limited time and resources?


It’s one thing to be skilled, it’s another thing to be engaged. KYT’s Voice of the Employee services offer surveys, easy-to-discern measurements, and detailed metrics to ensure your organization is properly engaging your greatest asset — your people.


Employees want to be heard. Our methodology collects feedback at every level, identifying “at risk” indicators and performance “gaps” — in essence, your employees point directly to the areas needing your priority attention!


Results can be organized and grouped based on your unique team needs, providing feedback on employee alignment, engagement, commitment to the company and the career, perceptions of corporate and leadership engagement, performance, strategy, and other indicators of a high-performance culture.

Benefits include:

Career growth planning

Diagnostic and predictive performance data

Employee satisfaction tracking

Year-over-year progress reviews

Increased productivity

Key problem solving recommendations

Decreased turnover

Division/departmental performance visibility

Healthy and resilient culture development

Sustainable growth and improved return on investment


Part of the EDS Ecosystem

Our Voice of the Employee services represent one piece of our four-pillar Enterprise Development Solution approach. Whether a standalone engagement or part of a larger plan, our EDS ecosystem is your roadmap to organizational effectiveness.


Behavioral Foundation


Culture of Learning


Strategic Alignment


Want to know more about our Voice of the Employee services?

Contact us today.

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