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Culture of Learning

Cultivating a growth-oriented organization.

One of our core values is “Education: We never stop teaching our clients and we never stop learning ourselves.” And we hold ourselves to this!

Our history connects us to limitless opportunities for ongoing education through LearnKey, our parent company, the leading workforce development learning solution. Through KYT’s Culture of Learning program, we work with you to leverage these resources to grow individual employees, thereby growing your business.

leadership development

Leadership Development

Align leadership skills based on a behavioral foundation.

Prepare leaders to adapt to change.

Grow existing talent and attract new talent.

Cultivate growth professionally and personally.

Strategic leadership training for individuals, teams, and the company.



Align techniques and practices that leverage key behavioral learnings.

One-on-one coaching includes exercises and homework, meant to hold employees accountable to agreed-upon goals.

Navigate team complexities and improve overall performance results.

Clearly outline challenges and successes.

Great for an individual leader, a workgroup, or an entire workforce.



Align a forward-thinking approach to personal and organizational goals.

Provide employees the tools they need to discover new, non-traditional career pathways.

Support employees’ current and future role development.

Close the learning and skills gaps in your organization through learning experiences and personalized training required for growth.

Build a culture of belonging that drives development and career progression.

Improve productivity and retention through programs that drive results.

Culture of Learning resources feature countless workshops, industry sought-after certifications, assessments, webinars and more, including:

Leadership development series

Sales training

PDP Certification and PDP Mentor Certification

1-on-1 coaching

Self-paced digital learning

LearnKey/Know Your Talents Partners

Part of the EDS Ecosystem

Our Culture of Learning services integrate seamlessly with our Enterprise Development Solution approach. For example, you can develop customized training materials based on the feedback collected during your Voice of the Employee process!


Behavioral Foundation


Voice of the Employee


Strategic Alignment


Want to know more about our Culture of Learning services?

Contact us today.

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