Did you know?
- US businesses lose $11 billion annually as a result of employee turnover?
- Employees who feel their immediate supervisor displays strong leadership, positive standards and interest in them on a personal level are more engaged?
- Only 29% of employees are fully engaged?
Do you know if your employees are engaged and excited to come to work every day? Do you know what motivates them? Do you know what passions they have? Do you know their strengths?
If you can’t say yes to all of these, let us help!! We start with a PDP Personal Development Report, this will identify the natural behavioral strengths of each individual, provides insight into adaptations being made to their natural behaviors and how this is impacting their overall satisfaction and most importantly provides a way to dig deeper with them to understand what truly motivates them.Having the understanding of these things leads to a deeper understanding of staff engagement and gives a baseline to integrate behavior throughout your organization!
Let us take you through the steps that will increase staff engagement and result in increased company profits!
Call us today, 480-348-8900, we look forward to speaking with you!