Predix announces that our Sales Consultant, Sarah Blik, will be participating in this year’s 60 mile 3 Day for the Cure to benefit the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation! Sarah wanted to share the following:
“This will be my 6th year walking to help find a cure for breast cancer. When we all look at our circle of family and friends, unfortunately we have all have been touched by this horrific disease in one form or fashion. Cancer has no boundaries. Each year I carry with me the names of those that I am walking for, whether in memory, in honor or support we walk for them. This 3 day event is a very inspirational, emotional, and physical challenge. I truly feel humbled knowing that some ladies who I am walking next to have just undergone some of the most aggressive treatments out there and they have physically and emotionally been tapped. Thank you for your support, whether in thoughts and prayers and/or financially, it is much appreciated!!”
Startling facts about breast cancer:
- Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and is the leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide.
- Nearly 1.4 million women are diagnosed with breast cancer globally each year.
- More than 458,000 people worldwide die from breast cancer each year.
- Somewhere in the world, a woman dies from breast cancer every 69 seconds.
This year Sarah is part of a 5 person team and they are getting their feet ready to go!! If you would like to support Sarah in this event please consider donating via Sarah’s personal page here.