A Few Tips!
In response to the growing Coronavirus (COVID-10) pandemic, companies around the globe have asked employees to work from home. While many employees have embraced the change, others are having a difficult time adjusting. Factors such as job description, home life, and, most importantly, behavioral traits, play a role.
At Know Your Talents we teach people and organizations how to understand and leverage behavioral awareness in their lives. This knowledge is particularly useful when facing substantial change. When we understand our behavior we become more flexible and adjust more easily.
Ask yourself the following: How do your leading traits impact a remote lifestyle? Is your communication style hindered when you’re not talking face to face? Lastly, how do you react to change?
Adaptable people embrace change with ease, even seeing working from home as a fun experiment. People who struggle with change on the other hand, will have a tougher time. For these individuals we recommend treating the home environment like the work environment. Set a schedule and stick to it as much as possible. If you have a morning routine, continue to do it. Next, create a designated workspace to act as your office and treat it as such. Arrive at your “office” on time and start your work day. There’s no reason working at home can’t closely mirror working in the office.
Another key area is social behavior. For people who tend to be more reserved, working from home could be a welcome change. Less in person interaction and more “quiet time” aligns with their more reserved behavior. Those on the opposite end of the spectrum may struggle with feelings of disconnect and loneliness. For these individuals, we highly recommend reaching out to others regularly. Consider the method of communications as well. A video call for example is more socially fulfilling than a text conversation. Reaching out to family or friends outside of work can help close the gap as well.
For everyone dealing with a change, identify which aspects of your behavior (if any) that will make the transition difficult then craft a game plan for dealing with it. Check out some great tips for working at home, and try the ones that fit your behavioral style.
If you’re still having a tough time we’d be happy to help! Take our free 5 minute proscan to learn more about your behavior. Our team of behavioral experts will help you identify and learn about your traits, so you can create a roadmap for success!