Teamwork is about achieving results together regardless of your company size or the behavioral traits present.
Team members with full trust in each other’s capabilities produce high quality, consistent results. This synergy is encouraged when team members understand the strengths and potential shortcomings of their teammates. A major key to this understanding is the Team Scan assessment, which identifies the behavior of individuals and the way those behaviors will interact with each other. Think of this assessment as a fingerprint of your team’s’ culture. It defines the team environment and explains why they do what they do.
With the results of this assessment, team members will know their strengths, weaknesses, and potential blind spots. Having this knowledge of themselves and others increases their awareness and helps solve conflicts before they happen.
The strengths and motivators of each trait can blend together to create an unstoppable force. Learn to curb your initial perceptions of behaviors and understand the leading motivation behind them. Focusing on the strengths of each trait unifies the team. Otherwise, perceptions of others can get in the way of creating a productive work environment. Let’s take a look at common behavioral traits and common perceptions that are associated with it.
Those who enjoy being in control are excellent at getting things done. They take initiative and are always thinking forward. However, this intense drive can often be seen as controlling, aggressive, and competitive.
People with little need for control are supportive and cooperative. This makes them incredible team members who love to collaborate. They can be seen as someone who will always say yes, leading others to forget to bring them into a conversation thinking they have little to contribute.
Those with a need to be liked are outgoing and high paced. Excellent at communication, they adapt their speaking habits and are very persuasive. While this energy is exciting to be around, it can seem like they are preoccupied or distracted.
Individuals who are more quiet tend to be reserved. They are thoughtful, contemplative, and communicate sincerely and selectively. This thoughtfulness can often be perceived as cold disinterest.
Those with a large amount of patience are persistent and dependable. They are excellent listeners and great at coaching others. Because of their intense need to think things through, they can be seen as indecisive and stubborn.
People with little or no patience are fast paced. They would rather learn the basics of a wide range of topics and love to find ways they can make changes or improvements. To others, this can seem frantic, erratic or disorganized.
Individuals with an appreciation for systems and process enjoy being right. They are punctual, loyal, and pay strict attention to details. This accuracy can lead them to avoid risks, but can also be perceived as overly cautious or skeptical.
Those without the need for systems think outside of the box. They are perfectly comfortable taking risks and don’t get stuck on the details. These individuals are great team members as they bring new ideas to the table. This spontaneous thinking can come across as disorganized and thoughtless.
Our own behaviors influence the way we perceive others. For example, individuals who are naturally quiet are inclined to view more outgoing people as loud or distracting while those with a strong drive aren’t as understanding to people who enjoy a slower life. To remedy this problem, begin to look for the strengths an individual brings to the group. Learn to understand the behaviors that are motivating their actions, and appreciate the differences in behaviors that create powerful teams. Know Your Talents can help you identify this information within just a few minutes with our 5 minute 96% accurate behavioral assessment. Let us show you how!