Maximizing Blindspots


Recognize blind spots to avoid setbacks and maximize your potential!

Each behavioral trait has natural strengths and weaknesses. For example, a decisive nature is perfect in environments where choices must be made swiftly, but can be damaging when others aren’t taken into account. We refer to this potential as a “blind spot” and they may go unnoticed until it’s too late.

By recognizing blind spots you can recognize their onset and prepare. Learning the warning signs allows you to avoid or reverse the impact before damage occurs.

Blind Spots affect traits and people differently. Learn to identify blind spots associated with your behavioral traits:

Those who enjoy authority are highly driven, direct, and to the point. They are decisive and take charge of situations quickly. They may not take time to reflect on serious decisions or the impact their actions may have on others. Sometimes it’s necessary to manage an intense drive by slowing down to include people in decisions.

People without a need for control are known to be tolerant, modest, and supportive. They are excellent group members who collaborate well and don’t like to draw excessive attention to themselves. However, these traits can be a weakness as may have difficulty speaking up for and asserting themselves. Being able to share views is vital in creating a productive team atmosphere. Focus on creating a trusting environment where team members are encouraged to share differing opinions.

Those with a need to be liked are friendly and persuasive. They’re known for their optimism and empathy for their peers. But unbridled optimism could mean ignoring important realities that need consideration. They also tend to think quickly, and should make an effort to keep others informed.

Some people are quiet and private, speaking sincerely and selectively. They are often seen as reserved and thoughtful rather than outgoing. Lack of response by these individuals may be mistaken as silent agreement, causing potential conflict. Learning to recognize when a response is needed, and clear communication for processing time can prevent these issues.

It’s often said that patience is a virtue. Patience leads to persistence, cooperation, dependability and consistent results. However, patience can make it difficult to hold others accountable for their actions. People with high patience need to feel safe in an environment before they can comfortably voice conflicting opinions.

Those without patience have the opposite problem. They are fast paced and adapt to situations quickly. Since they like to move on quickly they may act abruptly. It’s important these people focus on paying attention, and exercise patience when they feel others are slowing them down.

Some people love to be right, priding themselves on precision and accuracy. They are detail oriented and incredible at managing tasks. With high expectations in everything they do, they may have trouble delegating tasks or allowing a good thing to be “good enough.”

Independent types are free thinking risk takers. They are your typical “free spirits” who think of the big picture and are curious about everything. With their broad focus and lack of attention to detail, important aspects may fall through the cracks. They’re excitement to move on may sacrifice accuracy for speed. For these individuals it’s crucial to double check risks and details.

To be a good leader is to recognize the strengths and potential blind spots in your team. Understanding these traits brings out the best in them, and impacts how they feel about themselves and their work. As team members earn small wins their confidence grows, turning daunting problems into achievable tasks.

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