The Benefit of Adaptions in Behavior


Behavioral adaptations enable us to grow in all aspects of our lives.

Our behaviors can be an incredible source for strength and motivation. They help us accomplish our goals, perform certain tasks easily, and create a sense of fulfillment. These same traits also have potential pitfalls. Adapting our behaviors to the environment can help mitigate such blind spots.

Behavioral adaptations occur when we make a conscious decision to change our actions, allowing us to adjust or expand our behaviors in different directions. Adaptations occur when the brain connects existing neurons in new ways. Changing behaviors may initially feel uncomfortable and can take months, if not years, to fully implement into our lives.

Despite the discomfort, adaptations are crucial to personal growth in our lives and careers.

For example, individuals who tend to be perfectionists may be difficult to work with. Their high standards may prevent them from accepting input from others. A common adaptation for this behavior is learning to soften judgements and worry less.

Likewise, patient people are excellent listeners and persistent when they put their mind to a task. They may have trouble speaking up and letting go. Though uncomfortable at first, learning to voice their opinion and moving on will benefit them greatly.

Those with a strong desire to be admired generate energy and inspire those around them. If they aren’t careful, this same energy can come across as overly optimistic and confusing to their team members. Learning to be direct and realistic in communications will improve their lives at work and home.

Decisive individuals enjoy challenge and have clear opinions. This strong drive makes them excellent leaders, but they can come across as impulsive. Listening to others and explaining their thought process can help these individuals work successfully with a team.

Behavioral adaptations are a natural part of growth. Ask if your adaptations are encouraging you to achieve your goals. If they are, how can you continue your progress? If not, what’s causing you to adapt? Extreme adaptations may signal we’re uncomfortable in our environment or going through a stressful experience where we feel we can’t be ourselves. If this is the case, it’s important to find ways to alleviate the pressure and improve the situation.

Recently, we conducted a team report on a client’s organization. The report showed each member of the team adapting their behavior to become more synergistic as a group. Below are the traits they were adapting with the percentage of people applying that adaption. We can see increases in dominance and extroversion are common in this group, with the majority low in these traits previously. When we hire teams, we often hire people who remind us of ourselves. Because of this, we see teams configured of individuals who are similar in nature and adaptations.

At Know Your Talents, our goal is to provide the behavioral awareness needed to create outstanding teams where each individual feels empowered to accomplish their tasks. We do this by providing education on the behavioral styles and the impact they have on organizations. Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

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