The importance of having a workplace strategy.
You could be the fastest runner, but without a map you’ll still end up in the middle of nowhere. The same is true when it comes to behavior. You need to have a strategy in place before you start to ensure that every step you take is the right one.
One of the most common setbacks we see in companies is the lack of a strategic plan. Without one, it is difficult to create an atmosphere that is tailored to the success of the company. Often, we’ll hear that a particular manager isn’t doing well, only to find out that the environment that was created doesn’t lead to the desired results.
To create the environment that you need, you must craft it from the people you hire from the beginning. You can hire what seems to be the “best” candidate for the job on paper, but in reality they could be far from it. This is why it is vital to know the behaviors that you are looking for in job position before the interviews begin.