Shopping and Behavior Part 2


What is your shopping behavior?

In the true spirit of the holiday season, Tuesday’s blog was about behavior and shopping patterns! We discussed how High Dominance and High Extroversion show up in the busiest retail time of the year. Today we will complete the conversation with holiday shopping habits for High Pace/Patience and High Conformity. Read on to determine if you might have a bit of these behavior traits…

High Pace/Patience: Being the genuinely kind and patient people that High Ps are, they make the most courteous shoppers. Always willing to help others or to stand back and wait their turn, people with high Pace/Patience enter the shopping arena with a smile and a relaxed “let’s enjoy the experience” attitude. However, High Ps also prefer to have a well-defined plan and to be very productive—they want to know they accomplished a lot during the day. They’ll show up with lists and they will stay on task. High Ps also prefer to avoid conflict, so if they are your shopping partner, they will most likely defer to your plans, which makes the shopping experience pleasant for everyone involved. Caveat: One thing that High Ps don’t do well with is deal with a sudden change of plans or “urgent” requests. Expect them to start their shopping early, get it done in plenty of time and, if left to their predetermined timeline, to bring the Comfort and Joy!

High Conformity: With a strong drive to “get things right” and an intense aversion to unjustified risk, High C shoppers want to make sure the gifts they give are the perfect ones. They do their research—whether it’s listening for clues all year long, or asking direct questions, then they get what is on the list. Don’t expect High Cs to impulse shop or get something “just because it’s fun.” It’s gotta be the right gift for the right person at the right price. This behavior is the most likely to shop online and make last minute purchases—it can take them awhile to find the perfect gift. They will also be less likely to let anyone else do their shopping for them unless they have a great deal of trust for that person. Caveat: Don’t get your feelings hurt if your High C loved one seems less then joyful at the prospect of holiday gift giving—they are most likely worried that they might be getting the wrong gift and that stops them in their tracks! Once they have it figured out, High Cs have been known to give the best gifts!

Just as is the case in other situations, understanding how the different behaviors show up in the Holiday Shopping Season, can help us all experience a little more Comfort and Joy.

Our KYT Client Success Team would love to help you understand and implement behavioral awareness all year long. Reach out today for more information about how to get started!

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